Hello and welcome. Thanks for visiting thomasfroese.com. I’m a veteran journalist who writes about news, travel and life.
I’ve been writing for newspapers for 35 years, and have found a home in the op-ed pages of The Hamilton Spectator for much of this time.
While Hamilton, Canada, is home, for 15 years I wrote from the Arab World and East Africa, where I still return annually to write and teach.
For some years I wrote The Daily Dad, a blog on fatherhood. The family, which includes my Bride and three children, continues to find its way into my newspaper columns.
I’ve been awarded often for my work.
In more recent years, when I’m not wearing my journalism hat, I’m an adjunct professor of Creative Writing.
Among my writing heroes is Frederick Buechner, who I will read to anyone who will listen, including the family dog, Grace.
You can find out more about me here, and subscribe to receive my columns, below.
Please do enjoy your stay and the reading.