Daily Dad

An interesting dinner guest

We had an interesting dinner guest recently. The kids’ eyes buggered out when he told his story, how he ran for his life, leaving wife and children behind, because he simply wanted to worship the God of his choosing. Why is it that some people are so fearful and threatened by such basic free choice […]

An interesting dinner guest Read More »

Singing in the heart of Africa

It’s a beautiful morning in Africa, not just because the sun is rising and the birds are singing and the monkeys jumping, but because my daughter too is singing. She has been working on this piece for weeks – it’s an Adele song – and I will never tire of hearing it because there’s a

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Spunky women and other things lost in translation

This is from Peter, a Ugandan music teacher explaining one of his first interactions with his future bride-to-be. These two youngish Ugandans were around our dinner table last night. Their initial conversation went like this: Her: Do you remember my name? Him: No. Her: What kind of teacher are you that you don’t remember your

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The Nature of Peace – 4 – (and falling for goalies)

Here, or below, we’re continuing on the theme of The Nature of Peace, this the fourth of several excerpts from an address I gave in Hamilton, Canada in November 2014. Excerpt #1 is here and #2 is here and #3 is here. But first, about the kids. + Liz gets a phone call from a friend.

The Nature of Peace – 4 – (and falling for goalies) Read More »

The Nature of Peace #3 (and BTW, Dad, I’m going to be a journalist!)

Here, or below, we’re continuing on the theme of The Nature of Peace, this the third of several excerpts from an address I gave in Hamilton, Canada in November 2014. Excerpt #1 is here and #2 is here. But first, this brief conversation: Dad: “And, guys, whenever you feel down about school, just remember, you only

The Nature of Peace #3 (and BTW, Dad, I’m going to be a journalist!) Read More »

Sometimes children should be seen and not heard

It was at the dinner table, Sunday evening, and the kids and Mom were telling me about the morning service where some brave Ugandan kid got up in front of hundreds of university students and adults too and boldly rhymed off a poem expressing his sincere wish that Ugandan parents would just listen to their

Sometimes children should be seen and not heard Read More »

Don’t let your inner peace be stolen (The Nature of Peace – #2)

In November 2014 I returned from my African home to speak at the Hamilton Convention Centre on the theme of The Nature of Peace. This was on the invitation of the YMCA of Hamilton-Burlington-Brantford, which holds an annual Peace Medal Breakfast to honour the people of Hamilton region who work towards peace. Now, following the

Don’t let your inner peace be stolen (The Nature of Peace – #2) Read More »

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