Daily Dad

Symbols and gold watches and those monsters on the lake

A cross can be quite something, that is wearing a cross as a symbol of one’s love and devotion to the God-Man who hung on one 2000 years ago, and, in doing so, changed the course of history. And yet. + What I didn’t tell you recently, when I told you how my 10-year-old son […]

Symbols and gold watches and those monsters on the lake Read More »

Dogs in diapers and Speedos. (And she’s a very nice lady.)

I’m at the neighbour’s getting instructions on how to feed their two dogs, how to change the, uh, diaper, of the one, and this sort of thing. “Where are you going?” “Bobcaygeon.” “Ah, that’s where Jean and I met. Sort of. Through a photo, actually.” Yes, a photo. (You’d think we dated in the Arab

Dogs in diapers and Speedos. (And she’s a very nice lady.) Read More »

These warm summer days

It was a summer party. “Hey,” I said to the man who had just walked in the doorway. “You almost look like someone I used to know.” He laughed. “And look!” I said. “There he is, on the wall!” He looked up at an old video clip of a wedding, with him in it, and laughed

These warm summer days Read More »

On turning 50, flying candy and new wedding rings

When you’re 20 the world (thank you Rich Mullins) is your parking lot. When you’re 30 you know better. When you’re 40 you’ve had a crash or two. You live with a regret or three (even if you’ve divorced them). By the time you reach my age – I turned 50 this past week – you’re happy

On turning 50, flying candy and new wedding rings Read More »

Doing less and liking it more

Before the news of the week, the sad news, let me say that my new life motto is “Doing less and liking it more.” This is why the doc says I’ll live to be 100 and why I’m at my second summer camp in two weeks, this time on a lake of undisclosed location with

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O Canada, Hannah stands on guard for thee

In time to celebrate for Canada Day, the country has a new citizen with a brand new Canadian passport in hand. Her name is Hannah. She has a story. Faithful Reader knows some of, it, how gruelling an experience this has all been for some years as expressed in this New Vision piece. But after,

O Canada, Hannah stands on guard for thee Read More »

Yesterday’s stories. Grandparents. Beauty deep inside.

It was a view from a porch or two but there was a third porch I sat on right around the same time, this front porch at home where I grew up, an old manor in Niagara that dates back to the 1870s,  where Opa Froese, that is my father, still lives. It was my

Yesterday’s stories. Grandparents. Beauty deep inside. Read More »

‘Hey, you’re on TV!’

It’s the other day in Pittsburgh and a friend emails with the news … “Hey, you’re on TV!” A couple of nights later I got around to watching online. I wanted to see this brief interview, quite honestly, by myself. TV is not my thing. I felt somewhat embarrassed about it all. My Bride, some

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