Hamilton Spectator

Honouring Bryan Wylie: A life of teaching and giving

It’s the painters and the writers, the sculptors and the musicians, who tell us, the rest of us, to stop and look and listen. To pay attention. To see the holiness in the ordinary. This is the heart of the matter, the nub of it, the core of life. The times when we manage to get ourselves off of

Honouring Bryan Wylie: A life of teaching and giving Read More »

Letting go of fear, finding life’s sweet symmetry

Today’s rumination is about the flags of the world and the hope of the world and the fears of the world, (or at least some fears in Canada), even as it’s about how the children’s mother helped me get over some of my own fears. We live in a world that’s somehow naturally saddled with fear

Letting go of fear, finding life’s sweet symmetry Read More »

From an instrument of pain to a symbol of healing power

It was a Friday some 2,000 years ago and he was a hardened criminal with a sorry life. For what it was worth, that life must have played before his mind’s eye like a regrettable movie. He was dying by asphyxiation, lack of oxygen. This is how criminals, would-be revolutionaries

From an instrument of pain to a symbol of healing power Read More »

A stitch in time

I don’t know about this business tonight of moving to Daylight Saving Time. It doesn’t feel entirely right. Not complete. Not really. I’m with the Walrus from Alice in Wonderland. “If you knew time as well as I do, you wouldn’t be talking about wasting it,” is what the Walrus said.  And if you can’t waste time, it seems

A stitch in time Read More »

Water, water everywhere and Day Zero approaching

The shower is as good as any place, I suppose, to think about the end of the world. Or maybe the horsemen of the apocalypse will ride into town while we’re all somehow gathered at the world’s oceans, dying of thirst, with (apologies to

Water, water everywhere and Day Zero approaching Read More »

The demonization of touching in our times

Today we’ll talk about touch. And the California girl.

The California girl was a beautiful girl – you can imagine her California hair and skin and eyes and all that – but she might as well have been a dog. She’d be better off as a dog. This is what she said. Then she’d get affection and

The demonization of touching in our times Read More »

Breathing clean air in a pit-latrine nation

It’s Saturday morning and we’re in the newsroom of The Standard, talking – well, laughing – about Donald Trump’s most recent step into a cow patty. African nations, home to more than one billion of the world’s people, are in Trump’s alleged words, “shithole countries.” The president

Breathing clean air in a pit-latrine nation Read More »

In celebration of Flying Dad Dudes

I love my work.

In fact, at the airport this morning a stranger approached me and said, “Excuse me. Are you the guy who writes about fatherhood stuff? I appreciate that so much. But really, how do you do it? Your kids, so well adjusted. Your wife, so remarkably hot. You, always on the mark. You’re one lucky dude!”

In celebration of Flying Dad Dudes Read More »

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