Hamilton Spectator

Africans are caught up in Obama’s hope

KAMPALA, Uganda✦

So you think you feel good about what unfolded south of Canada’s border on Nov. 4?

You should see the party in Africa.

There has been dancing in the streets, public holidays and general high-fives from nationals to diplomats to expatriates, all convinced that, as one Ugandan paper put it, “America is reborn.”

Africans are caught up in Obama’s hope Read More »

Maternal health must top agendas

KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦A pregnant woman here in Uganda’s capital was recently beheaded by her husband. Maurine Ampire, 38, was a mother getting close to delivering number six.

It’s one picture of life here, and a comparable image to the lack of voice that pregnant women have worldwide. No voice. No choice. Just death, and often violently.

Maternal health must top agendas Read More »

Uganda, a nation of conflicts

If a tree falls deep in the heart of Africa, will anyone hear? That’s the question for the outside world, as the debate that often pits the environment against the economy has taken a chilling twist here in Uganda, with riots, murder and parliamentarians jailed.

Uganda, a nation of conflicts Read More »

Film gets its strength from Ugandans

Piling up its international awards, The Last King of Scotland has come full circle, finally released in Uganda as a rare film experience, if not an unusual life-experience, where story and reality meld so much that it’s hard to know where one begins and the other ends.

Film gets its strength from Ugandans Read More »

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