Hamilton Spectator

A face only a mother could love

Nowadays you just gotta love the skin you re in no matter what it s made of.
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Finding direction in Christmas

The spirit of the age is ambivalence, not skepticism, and into this comes a special time to worship.
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Violence erupts after Uganda’s leader muzzles rival

In the mysterious game of African poker politics, you have to wonder if even a seasoned fox like Yoweri Museveni is not overplaying his hand.
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This hairdo is a special order from Uganda

Getting a hair cut in Africa for a man comes without the comfy chair, the warm lather or the sense of style.
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It’s tough being a cop in Kampala

Burglary and theft are rampant across Uganda. Police are underfunded, disrespected and overburdened.
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Loneliness is acute among poor

Rise in suicide reflects chronic lack of mental health services, especially in Third World.
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Malaria a fact of life in Uganda

Two weeks into my new life in Uganda, I'm quickly learning how precarious life can be when living with the threat of infectious diseases.
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We need a day to ponder

Maybe Labour Day should be replaced with Bum Day says our resident traveller.
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Saving the Mothers

Women and children, in New Orleans or the Third World, often suffer the most in disasters.
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Memories of Yemen

Good friends, a hospital tragedy, and a lack of toilet paper in public washrooms.
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Two solitudes

The western and Islamic worlds clearly don’t understand one another, as the botched Newsweek report on the Koran clearly shows.
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Camilla Effect one big yawn

Clearly the marriage gods were telling me something. Your marriage is something very noble. Don’t blow it. Because, yes, it also has the potential to burst into flames.
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In Africa, the bicycle rules

It not only returns life to its natural pace, but the bicycle is the great leveller.
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The everyday feel of death

In Uganda, the land has uncommon beauty, and life has its own strange mix of dark memories of killings, talk of restorative justice, and forgiveness.
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Dubai is on a roll

Booming, oil-rich city is luring outsiders. That s likely why it feels so hollow.
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