Recent Columns

On dragons, Bilbo Baggins, and My Bride’s honorary doctorate

The thing about dragons is that you have to believe they exist before you can go and slay them. And even after you believe, you have to somehow care. It’s much easier to let any old dragon open its mouth and breathe its fire and destroy what it may while you leave the poor villagers […]
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Henry Morgentaler: dark hero lost at sea

To be a hero can be a strange thing, something we were reminded of in recent days with the death of Dr. Henry Morgentaler, the man – the hero to some – credited more than anyone for liberalizing abortion in Canada. It’s a death that has led to the spilling of much ink in the […]
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The problem with religious people

She was in Seat 24A and she looked like she had lived, but still too young to be a grandmother, yet this was it, she was returning to her home in Calgary from a visit with her daughter and grandson. There was both an empty seat and pleasant conversation between us. It was the book […]
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Dellen Millard: a young man of ambition

Ambition, like contentment, is one of those strange words to talk about with the children because it means everything and nothing at the same time. In a sense we are all ambitious because we are all looking. Through our actions more than our words, this is the lasting message that we leave our kids: we are looking for […]
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Mayor Ford says media way off on Coke allegations, he prefers water

As the allegations against Ourtown Mayor Freddy Ford continue to dominate headlines, The Daily Dad caught up with the mayor between meetings for this exclusive interview. Following is the transcript of Daily Dad’s conversation with the embattled mayor. Daily Dad: Mr. Mayor. How are you? Can I get a minute? Mayor: It’s fine. All fine. […]
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Science and God and our Dodge minivan

He was a name – an astronaut – a man of numbers more than anything, but he still knew the value of words and he was talking about the wonder of it, our universe, and his unique opportunity to see just a glimmer of its sparkling palette, and wasn’t it something for him to be […]
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Tim Bosma’s funeral II – What do we tell the children?

It was just my daughter Liz and me in the living room, a quiet moment in the evening when I said to her, ‘I went to Tim Bosma’s funeral.’ Of course, one never knows if there is a right way to talk about this sort of thing with children, about death, about murder, about the […]
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Tim Bosma’s funeral: a bittersweet day

The children had dental appointments and I was running late and so found myself in the back without a program in hand, a thousand people in front of me, a thousand faces, a thousand hearts, some in black clothing, some not, all coming together for one purpose, to say goodbye to Tim Bosma. We listened […]
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When men leave their wives

We were in a park yesterday and the children were playing with their new kites and the sunshine, and with them were several adults including a 75-year-old man with thin wisps of gray hair and a new girlfriend. I said hello and shook hands and we talked briefly about memories from 30-some years earlier, a time […]
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My Bride to receive Honorary Degree

We’ve barely been back to our Hamilton home three weeks and My Bride, the lovely one who has made it her life work to give a voice to the voiceless, has already made her presence felt. Last weekend she led the Steps to Deliver Change Walk at the Dundas Driving Park, where about 200 local […]
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Tim Bosma, dream house builder. Don’t let your heart be troubled.

‘Don’t let your hearts be troubled,’ is what he said. ‘Trust in God. Trust also in me. My Father’s house has plenty of room.’ This is what Jesus told his friends. That he was going to get things ready. That he’d come back to get his friends when things were all set. He’d have to […]
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Praying for Tim Bosma. Growing young.

It was Mother’s Day, Day 7 of it all, Day 7 since Timothy Bosma left his Hamilton home for a quick test drive of his truck with a couple of strangers and then vanished. And it was my girls who prayed for him. ‘Dear Jesus,’ Liz said. We were on the 401, in the van, in the busyness of the […]
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So little time, so few choices

The truth of the matter is that we choose very little in life. We are born in a certain place to certain parents. We are sent to a certain school. And if we were just one neighbourhood over, if we were just one year older, if that something else had been said to start that […]
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Why it’s important to wear sensible footwear

We were eating. It was the first meeting with my side of the family since all of us, the Froese 5, returned to Canada. And my nine-year-old, Liz, was explaining everything that I had taught her. Ever. ‘Daddy says not to wear high heels. It’s bad for your back,’ she explained. ‘This is the only thing Daddy has […]
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More people have cell phones than toilets

Back from Uganda, now in Canada for our first full week, the question from someone happy to see us is given to Jon. ‘So, what do you like the most about Canada?’ Jon: ‘The clean toilets.’ You think my son is a funny boy. He is. But clean toilets, something we, naturally, don’t like to […]
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