Recent Columns

Bubble-wrapped children in rubberized parks

We’re at the park that I built across from our house She approaches me slowly and notices that I’m having a quiet moment. I’m at the picnic table under the canopy, beside the jungle gym, over from the trampoline. It’s a moment of calm that I like to have in the mornings. She has […]
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My son’s underwear are for the supermarket tabloids

Sometimes I’m asked, ‘Hey, Daily Dad, where do you get your incredibly fantastic ideas from?’ I say, ‘Well, the best ideas, the ones that will put me on the front of the supermarket tabloids, find me.’ Take right now. I’m having lunch and the tunes here include Chicago. I mean Chicago, the band, right in […]
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In war there is no colour TV

We have no television in our African home, by choice as much as anything. But there are plenty of DVDs on the living room shelves, including The Waltons, something we watch as a matter of routine on Sunday evenings. Liz and Jon are especially eager to find what happens to their namesakes – Elizabeth and […]
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Find the unexpected playgrounds in your life

It was Sunday morning. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked. Not very conversant in English, he said something that I eventually understood – he was clearing bush to make room to park a car. ‘Oh,’ I said. The space was across from our house here at the university in Uganda. The house itself, built on […]
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Children, half-children and absent fathers

On the other side of this blog, there’s a new post about Obama, the Prez. of the United States — It’s a piece about Obama’s relationship, or lack of, with Africa. Which is interesting, I think, because he’s a half-child of this continent, as his father — his absent father, that is — was […]
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A lazy moment to last 100 years

‘A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.’ This is what it says, the cup I’m drinking my herbal […]
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Crocodile eats 80 men, dies of stress

So Jon went with the neighbour kids to see crocodiles in a place called Mpigi, a few hours away. Back home for dinner, this was the conversation. Jon: ‘And, Dad, did you know that there was one that was 63 years old and another that was 84!’ Me: ‘Come on, really?’ Jon: ‘Yeah, Dad, really!’ […]
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My wife, the movie star – Part II

Faithful Reader will recall that My Bride is a movie star. You can read all about that here at At that time, I mentioned the clunky lights and big cameras and probing questions that were brought into our Canadian home one summer day, all so that I could also talk about my own story: how I was […]
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Will Barack Obama come to Africa?

(The Hamilton Spectator - Saturday, February 16, 2013) KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦ It was YouTube and it was Barack Obama talking to the neighbours in Kenya. You may have heard that they’re about to vote. The last time the Kenyans did this, six years ago, 1,000 lay dead on the bloody streets. Another 600,000 were displaced, including here to Uganda where UN shelters near the airport are still up.
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Royal Wedding excerpts, full story

Due to the huge readership (Mom, Dad – God bless both of you) of yesterday’s special Valentines’ post …  …  following are a few excerpts from the noted Royal Wedding news story that announced when My Bride and I were engaged. “To be announced is a July 29 wedding, ending speculation that has swirled around […]
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Royal Weddings are the best

On that particular Valentine’s Day, I bought a dozen red roses and hid them. Each had a question attached (like, ‘Will you play racquetball with me?’), to which, after she found each , she had to yell a loud ‘Yes!’ She, My Bride-To-Be, was doing quite fine, finding one rose in this corner, another under that bed, […]
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How to get a hot wife with one easy song

People sometimes ask me, ‘Hey Daily Dad. How did you get such a hot wife?’ I say, ‘I sang her a song about a cow. She seemed to like that. Nothing has been the same since.’ The story is as follows: My Bride – she was only My Date at the time – invited me […]
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Jon wears 12 shirts … tries for 100

‘Dude,’ I said. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m putting on my shirts,’ he said. ‘I’m going to put on 100.’ This is Jon. 100 shirts. We have 42 seconds to get into the vehicle and drive to school and Jon is on a mission to put on 100 shirts. He stood in his closet, pile […]
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The funny thing about Jesus … is that he’s so funny

The funny thing about Jesus – and let’s face it, of all the things that Jesus was, he was a very capable humourist – is that he could say the things he did with a straight face. It comes to mind because we were just talking about talent, Liz’s writing talent for her authorship of […]
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Liz’s award-winning story

As noted yesterday at this is Liz’s award-winning story in its entirety. Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day Mr. Carrot was walking to work, anxious to hear his first assignment from his new boss. “It’s my first day of work,” hummed Mr. Carrot. “Almost there,” he whispered to himself, as he took a deep breath. When […]
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