Recent Columns

Learning trust in a suspicious world

Your mother is dead. Divorce knocks. Your son is lost. It’s cancer. You’re laid off. You’ve broken up. The car crash. You can’t stomach it all. Trust?
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Vegetable journalism is no journalism

Press accountability is terribly undeveloped in this country. This is why vegetable papers prowl and destroy journalistic ethics under the guise of journalism and with impunity.
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The joy of reading is a quest for learning

I think of what Saint Augustine said: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
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Lots to learn about life, death, from developing world

We believe in Heaven not through religious instruction but rather because of an instinct that’s hard-wired into us, like a child in the womb who senses some grand world outside his dark closet.
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Hey little toddler – Happy Birthday!

The Standard, launched May 7, 2007, celebrates three years of publication.
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A motherhood issue: surviving birth

An open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper about maternal mortality.
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Are we teaching our children a theology of suffering?

Nearing the five-year mark of my family's foray into Uganda, here's a mind-bender from my happy and ever-inquisitive four-year-old, Jonathan: "Daddy, when you grow up, are you going to be dead?"
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Uganda deserves better time management

Hurry up and wait. Why isn't this Uganda's national motto? No, really. Can't someone get it on the flag, on official documents and on television?
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Seven receive Save the Mothers honours

In Uganda, communities and individuals are stepping forward like never before as champions for maternal care.
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Janet Museveni praises UCU

"I commend this university for its tremendous work with safe motherhood; for its training and for its sensitizing the public."
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Cookie the Cat just wants to roam, roam, roam

UCU's Health and Safety Committee will clamp down on pets who "wander around the campus." They're to be vaccinated and kept "indoors." Spot checks are coming.
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The JFK-Obama-Messiah factor

In Berlin, both presidents had watershed moments, and both are revered.
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The end of the world as we know it

While we need not be entirely cheerful in the face of Armageddon, we can still offer the worried world something different.
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At some point, there’ll be a new Earth

OK, so what if Chicken Little was right? Chicken Little is that bird who got hit on the head by a falling acorn and then ran around screaming "The sky is falling!" He got all his forest friends in an alarmist tizzy and, on their way to tell the king, they were summarily fooled and eaten by that Foxy Loxy.
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‘He shoots! He scores!’ – Uganda-style

While here in the heart of Africa, I think of Canada often. Fall is no exception.
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