Recent Columns

God and I have some similar values

An early-summer highlight of mine was this comment from a gentleman who stopped me in a London, Ontario church to say, "You know, your book cost me $4,000."
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Orphans want to be loved, wherever they are

It's hard to know most days what might go through the mind of any three-year-old, let alone an orphan from Africa.
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For dads and dad-dads everywhere

If I have one urgent piece of practical advice for young men today, it's this: Look forward with great hope to the day you marry and have children.
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A culture of fatherhood

"You're such a Dad-Dad." This phrase, a recent favourite of my three-year-old Jon, has reminded me anew that there's nothing like fatherhood.
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Ritual murder on the rise in Uganda

KAMPALA, UGANDA – "The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things." From Lewis Carroll's nonsense verse "The Walrus and the Carpenter," this is what comes to mind when I read the newspapers here. Is the world getting madder?
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Witch doctors, spirits and killings

Is it the global credit crisis? Is it the evil that lurks? Or is the world just getting madder? Whatever the cause, there’s a spike in ritual murders in this impoverished African country.
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I’ve resolved to spend more time behind bars

So it's that time of year when all of our New Year resolutions aren't yet broken. Among mine is to get into jail more often.
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In Uganda the “war of childbirth” continues

Her name is Fatmata. She is an African mother. And this is her story.
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Africans are caught up in Obama’s hope

KAMPALA, Uganda✦ So you think you feel good about what unfolded south of Canada’s border on Nov. 4? You should see the party in Africa. There has been dancing in the streets, public holidays and general high-fives from nationals to diplomats to expatriates, all convinced that, as one Ugandan paper put it, “America is reborn.”
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“God is not a black woman.” Or is She?

I discovered that this hugely popular novel, with sales now somewhere around a million, has caused a tempest in our community. And it's left me wondering: is it just me, or is something fundamentally and horribly amiss in our courtyard?
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Time for US Democrats to fight fire with fire

Recently travelling back from Canada to Uganda through London, England - capital of history's most influential empire - I got some renewed perspective on global leadership and change and how, in politics, there's nothing like old-fashioned fear to move things along.
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Up close with the lions, crocodiles

We're in the middle of East Africa's savannah, about to be eaten by nearby lions.
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Maternal health must top agendas

KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦A pregnant woman here in Uganda’s capital was recently beheaded by her husband. Maurine Ampire, 38, was a mother getting close to delivering number six. It’s one picture of life here, and a comparable image to the lack of voice that pregnant women have worldwide. No voice. No choice. Just death, and often violently.
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Finding true meaning of living

A visitor in Uganda sees the light, through the tattered lives of those around him.
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Evolution: Darwin’s theories exploited hideously

Re: ‘Taking the middle ground on evolution’ (letters, June 28)
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