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Sexual turbulence rife in Christian Africa

Adultery is something I've never really thought about much. But the papers here in Uganda are full of it: adultery is no longer a crime.
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Uganda, a nation of conflicts

If a tree falls deep in the heart of Africa, will anyone hear? That's the question for the outside world, as the debate that often pits the environment against the economy has taken a chilling twist here in Uganda, with riots, murder and parliamentarians jailed.
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Laugh, weep or run: Idi Amin on the silver screen

Evil is never easy to look in the eye. So it's no surprise that The Last King of Scotland is getting mixed reactions in this corner of the world, where the story, both its real and Hollywood version, unfolds.
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Dead religion simply needs to be renewed

Gwyne Dyer's commentary in the New Vision of March 27, page 10, arguing that religion promotes bad behaviour, while secularism promotes good, has more holes in it than a house of Swiss cheese.
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Be prosperous and multiply…water shortages?

Good grief. Just when you thought you knew the rules around here, where it's a given that cultural change is painfully slow, along comes a curve ball that really makes your head spin.
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Ugandans can take a bow for Amin film

Now that The Last King of Scotland has piled up its international awards, and come full circle to show here, Ugandans can take a bow.
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Film gets its strength from Ugandans

Piling up its international awards, The Last King of Scotland has come full circle, finally released in Uganda as a rare film experience, if not an unusual life-experience, where story and reality meld so much that it's hard to know where one begins and the other ends.
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Let abortion not derail maternal death debate

Following up on some recent commentaries fearing abortion is going to be legalised in Uganda, maybe the only thing left to say is that it's not happening.
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Uganda should copy Rwanda’s three-child limit

So, the Rwanda government is pushing the concept of a three-child limit for families. It's something for Ugandans to keep an eye on, because population growth rates of the two neighbouring countries, among the highest in the world, are virtually identical.
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Only forgiveness will bring peace to Somalia

Besides 'I am sorry,' the hardest words in any language have to be 'I forgive you.' And never has the world needed them more.
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Why don’t we just wear fig leaves?

Okay, here's a question. There are two new theology professors at UCU. Soon after one starts teaching, it's discovered that he spends significant time mingling with Kampala's crowd of drinkers and prostitutes. The other new professor, who is the cousin of the first, then comes to UCU's classes wearing dreadlocks, torn jeans, several earrings and a rather large tattoo.
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Now we need to forgive each other: Yusuf

Somalia wants to move forward, but it has a horrifying past to deal with.
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Childhood as it was never meant to be

One of the unexpected things I've caught since coming to Africa for the long haul is a certain disturbing feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's grown there quietly, feeding, I suspect, on the various foreign sights and sounds around here, especially those of the children.
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Christmas: the luxury to pick and choose

I received an email the other day from a Christian in Ontario upset over, in his words, "the pantywaist liberalism" of his employer.
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Africa’s good looks a thin veneer

Beautiful women and mobile phones might not be the first pictures that come to mind when you think of Africa. But one of the more interesting things about life on the so-called dark continent is that, even here, image sells.
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