My Bride to receive Honorary Degree

We’ve barely been back to our Hamilton home three weeks and My Bride, the lovely one who has made it her life work to give a voice to the voiceless, has already made her presence felt. Last weekend she led the Steps to Deliver Change Walk at the Dundas Driving Park, where about 200 local […]

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Tim Bosma, dream house builder. Don’t let your heart be troubled.

‘Don’t let your hearts be troubled,’ is what he said. ‘Trust in God. Trust also in me. My Father’s house has plenty of room.’ This is what Jesus told his friends. That he was going to get things ready. That he’d come back to get his friends when things were all set. He’d have to

Tim Bosma, dream house builder. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Read More »

Praying for Tim Bosma. Growing young.

It was Mother’s Day, Day 7 of it all, Day 7 since Timothy Bosma left his Hamilton home for a quick test drive of his truck with a couple of strangers and then vanished. And it was my girls who prayed for him. ‘Dear Jesus,’ Liz said. We were on the 401, in the van, in the busyness of the

Praying for Tim Bosma. Growing young. Read More »

Why it’s important to wear sensible footwear

We were eating. It was the first meeting with my side of the family since all of us, the Froese 5, returned to Canada. And my nine-year-old, Liz, was explaining everything that I had taught her. Ever. ‘Daddy says not to wear high heels. It’s bad for your back,’ she explained. ‘This is the only thing Daddy has

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Going home

One day, maybe, science will measure just what exactly happens to the deepest part of our beings when we go home — what happens not just to our emotions, but what happens physiologically in our organs, in our cells, in our very molecular makeup when we go to the place where we belong. I don’t mean

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If you could live your life over again …

We’re in the moment saying hello to an old, balding gentleman. It’s Jon and myself. The old man is a sociologist and professor and writer who had just made us laugh and think and wonder, along with Mom and Liz and several hundred others in the crowd. He had just talked about giving. How do we give?

If you could live your life over again … Read More »

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