humour / satire

Germany wins! But my face is still so (im)perfect

It was the Ungame and this time the question was for Jon: “Describe your father in three words.” “Big nose,” he started out. The other two words, I somehow blocked out. Then I had to answer the same question about my own father. “Old. Tough. German.” Which is what Jon will be facing, someday. So, careful son. […]

Germany wins! But my face is still so (im)perfect Read More »

The joke’s on us. We’re all living to die. In the meantime … the miracles

We had to pee in the bottle the other day, all of us for our annual check-up and vaccinations against death in Africa. I mean we did this one at a time, in privacy in different bottles, of course, and it wouldn’t even matter that much except for the fact that the doctor soon after

The joke’s on us. We’re all living to die. In the meantime … the miracles Read More »

Why I support a longer school day

It’s dinner time and once again the kids just HAVE to talk about sex, which is quite remarkable considering the only Miley Cyrus they watch is from the days when she was a fully-clothed Hannah Montana who kept her tongue to herself. Of course, the best way to end any kids’ sex talk is to

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Forgiving our fathers. And mothers. (What a load.)

If there is one thing I’ve learned about fatherhood since the condition fell on me (like a piano out of a 4th-floor window) it’s that today’s fathers are perfect. Always. Yep. Every day. Sunup to sundown. And because today’s fathers, and mothers too, are perfect, they should be given great honour. I tell my kids this in subtle ways. For instance,

Forgiving our fathers. And mothers. (What a load.) Read More »

The joy of singleness. (Or … Ahhh, the single life. No vomit bag today)

My daughter vomited on the way to school yesterday morning. This, of course, is the sort of thing that makes any parent’s heart go pitter-patter, thump-thump, yes, one of the golden moments of any dad’s day. In our family, on what is a rather onerous school-run every weekday morning, vomiting, in fact, is sort of shared

The joy of singleness. (Or … Ahhh, the single life. No vomit bag today) Read More »

Men, this International Women’s Day, WAKE UP!

I’ve always liked older women. When I was in Grade 2, Queen Elizabeth was … well … quite something, up there on the classroom wall at Maple Crest School, looking down at me with that hot outfit and crown and all. Those were fine days. The only woman who could compete with the young queen was

Men, this International Women’s Day, WAKE UP! Read More »

Hannah’s story in Uganda’s national newspaper

Hannah’s adoption continues to make the news, this time in Uganda’s national  daily, the New Vision. Faithful Reader knows all about the good news of the recent adoption approval we received from the Ugandan court. This, after we fostered Hannah for three years, and then after a further wait of more than 500 days. That’s

Hannah’s story in Uganda’s national newspaper Read More »

Celebrating hockey GOLD in Africa

The thing about winning Gold in an Olympic event over and over and over and (YAWN) over is that you might start to assume that it’s your birthright, which, I suppose, this one, uh, kid, with the red shirt thinks. You forget all the work involved and your belly gets flabby and you won’t want to even walk the dog

Celebrating hockey GOLD in Africa Read More »

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