Maternal Mortality

Dying to give birth

Take a minute, here, friends. Day 6 of Single Daddin’ It is for a new single dad whose wife died Monday, along with her unborn child who wouldn’t come out. Yeah, you read that right — wouldn’t come out. He’s now a single dad of three kids — 5, 3 and 2, and no doubt […]
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Arrest of Mbale medics was shameful

There are various things horribly wrong in blaming Mbale health workers for the much-publicised maternal death of Cecilia Nambooze.
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From here to Chautauqua to the world

Hamilton’s Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese was invited to speak at a venerable institution.
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A motherhood issue: surviving birth

An open letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper about maternal mortality.
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Seven receive Save the Mothers honours

In Uganda, communities and individuals are stepping forward like never before as champions for maternal care.
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In Uganda the “war of childbirth” continues

Her name is Fatmata. She is an African mother. And this is her story.
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Maternal health must top agendas

KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦A pregnant woman here in Uganda’s capital was recently beheaded by her husband. Maurine Ampire, 38, was a mother getting close to delivering number six. It’s one picture of life here, and a comparable image to the lack of voice that pregnant women have worldwide. No voice. No choice. Just death, and often violently.
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Be prosperous and multiply…water shortages?

Good grief. Just when you thought you knew the rules around here, where it's a given that cultural change is painfully slow, along comes a curve ball that really makes your head spin.
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Let abortion not derail maternal death debate

Following up on some recent commentaries fearing abortion is going to be legalised in Uganda, maybe the only thing left to say is that it's not happening.
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Uganda should copy Rwanda’s three-child limit

So, the Rwanda government is pushing the concept of a three-child limit for families. It's something for Ugandans to keep an eye on, because population growth rates of the two neighbouring countries, among the highest in the world, are virtually identical.
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Saving the Mothers

Women and children, in New Orleans or the Third World, often suffer the most in disasters.
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Helping new mothers survive

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Most of us will likely say thanks to your mom in some fashion. Good thing. A mother's job is not easy.
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Dying to give birth

Childbirth is killing poor mothers at the rate of 1,600 a day.
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Doctors Without Borders MD speaks on ethics

You don't need to be a flaming, bleeding-heart liberal or a limp- wristed lefty to see that it's a man's world when it comes to some basic privileges in life.
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Tell your mother you love her

Sunday is Mother's Day, and I'm reminded that I've never held my mother, looked into her eyes and told her that I love her. I've never offered a soft kiss on her cheek. I've never even given my mother flowers. My mom died before I got the chance.
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