The Daily Dad Blog

Hannah gets The Story

It’s just past 6 in the morning and Hannah is eating her toast and yoghurt, and from behind her I ...
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We were in the car and Liz was looking rather thoughtful, the sort of look that kids have when you ...
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Oh, this snow and ice and crazy cold? Ask Jon.

Every good parent needs to scream at their kids regularly – I recommend five times a kid before lunch – ...
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This New Year, kick The Bucket List. Live the life. Play in the snow.

I don’t really believe in New Year resolutions or those Bucket Lists either, but I guess if I were to drop ...
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Mary, did you know?

She kept all these things in her heart. This is what the ancient Scripture tell us. Mary kept these things ...
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Hannah wants a Canadian (snow?) burial; Jon’s right on that

It’s 5 am and still dark outside, but with a bit of jet lag this is apparently the best time for ...
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Hannah sees the judge, Nelson Mandela smiles at us

It’s Entebbe, Uganda’s port of entry and departure, and we’re almost on a plane over the ocean and back to ...
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But officer, in my country red actually means ‘Go!’

When you go through a red light and get stopped for it in a foreign country, you should always pretend ...
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On Rob Ford, Ugandan chickens and having Nutella all over your face

We’re waiting for the morning bell to start the school day yesterday, Jon and I, him bouncing on my knee, and a ...
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Timothy Mugisha died in his mother’s arms

We arrived at the chapel to find Timothy’s casket sitting heavy at the entrance. This, yesterday morning when we had ...
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Lose your life, find your bliss

It’s the other day and we’re on the streets of Uganda, on the morning school run again, this time behind ...
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Hey, let’s shoot Dad!

So, it’s Day 15 of Single Daddin It’ and we’re at the dinner table, that place of ever-illuminating discussion, and ...
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My daughter the singing orphan (and an update on Timothy)

Of course our stories – your story, my story, the story of the drunk down in Apartment 8 –are all ...
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“The truth is, I am dying.”

We’re told that her mother and father where there, and so probably were the neighbours and her school friends, no doubt, and pretty ...
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Jean rocks Hamilton. So does the Spectator. (The kids? I think they’re in Congo)

It’s somewhere around Day 54,386 of Single Daddin’ It, the highlight of my year when it's just me and the kids. ...
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