The Daily Dad Blog

When men leave their wives

We were in a park yesterday and the children were playing with their new kites and the sunshine, and with them ...
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My Bride to receive Honorary Degree

We’ve barely been back to our Hamilton home three weeks and My Bride, the lovely one who has made it ...
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Tim Bosma, dream house builder. Don’t let your heart be troubled.

‘Don’t let your hearts be troubled,’ is what he said. ‘Trust in God. Trust also in me. My Father’s house ...
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Praying for Tim Bosma. Growing young.

It was Mother’s Day, Day 7 of it all, Day 7 since Timothy Bosma left his Hamilton home for a quick test drive ...
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So little time, so few choices

The truth of the matter is that we choose very little in life. We are born in a certain place ...
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Why it’s important to wear sensible footwear

We were eating. It was the first meeting with my side of the family since all of us, the Froese 5, returned ...
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More people have cell phones than toilets

Back from Uganda, now in Canada for our first full week, the question from someone happy to see us is ...
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Going home

One day, maybe, science will measure just what exactly happens to the deepest part of our beings when we go ...
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If you could live your life over again …

We’re in the moment saying hello to an old, balding gentleman. It's Jon and myself. The old man is a ...
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It’s time

Time is a funny thing. We tend to believe that we have more than we do but wish we had ...
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Liz defends Justin Bieber

We’re en route from Africa to Canada and finishing a few days in Amsterdam, where Justin Bieber recently made his ...
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En route to the pages of Anne Frank’s diary

We were all on the big bed – this is how we often watch videos on the computer – and ...
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The Road Not Taken

There were two roads and they diverged in a yellow wood and who among us would not want to take ...
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Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. No, really. (With music by Fleetwood Mac)

Liz has a pile of CDs in her lap and she's rotating the songs, all our favourites, and we’re driving and ...
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12 children and a joke

Today's joke. Who is richer?  A millionaire or a man who has 12 children? The man who has 12 children. ...
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