Dear Hannah

November 29, 2012

Dear Hannah –


It’s hard to believe that it’s been more than three years now since you came into our family, into our home, into our lives.


I can still picture the moment a few months before that when we first met, when you reached up to me and tapped me on the leg.


I looked down and said, what’s this girl’s name? And the orphanage worker said, oh her name is Hannah.


Of course, you had no way of knowing that your mom and I had promised each other that if Almighty Dad ever gave us another child, another girl, we would surely name her Hannah.


We didn’t have. That’s all you owned – your name. And that was enough.


Now today is the day when we get the formal adoption approval here in Uganda, your home, the place that has become our home, a place we’ll carry with us wherever we go.


This is the newspaper article I wrote shortly after we met. One day when you’re older, you’ll give it a read and be reminded of good things.


I always enjoyed the accompanying photo. I recall taking it, as if it was yesterday. You are beautiful then, as you are now.


Congratulations, again. Welcome, again.


And may God bless you and keep you. May He shine His face upon you. And may you always know the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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November 29, 2012 • Posted in
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