Jon wears 12 shirts … tries for 100

‘Dude,’ I said. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m putting on my shirts,’ he said. ‘I’m going to put on 100.’ This is Jon. 100 shirts. We have 42 seconds to get into the vehicle and drive to school and Jon is on a mission to put on 100 shirts. He stood in his closet, pile […]

Jon wears 12 shirts … tries for 100 Read More »

The funny thing about Jesus … is that he’s so funny

The funny thing about Jesus – and let’s face it, of all the things that Jesus was, he was a very capable humourist – is that he could say the things he did with a straight face. It comes to mind because we were just talking about talent, Liz’s writing talent for her authorship of

The funny thing about Jesus … is that he’s so funny Read More »

Liz’s award-winning story

As noted yesterday at https://thomasfroese.com/my-daughter-rocks-in-the-writing-world-and-the-kitchen/ this is Liz’s award-winning story in its entirety. Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day Mr. Carrot was walking to work, anxious to hear his first assignment from his new boss. “It’s my first day of work,” hummed Mr. Carrot. “Almost there,” he whispered to himself, as he took a deep breath. When

Liz’s award-winning story Read More »

My daughter rocks in the writing world … and the kitchen

Liz just wrote her first award-winning story. It’s called ‘Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day.’ The award was a cookbook given by her Year 5 (that’s Grade 4 in Canada) teacher. And so Liz has been in the kitchen quite a bit these days, with her apron and smile and mango smoothies and other big rockin’ plans

My daughter rocks in the writing world … and the kitchen Read More »

We’re lovers. This is how we fight.

We’re driving to school and Jon is sitting in front. I figure it’s a good time to talk about man stuff. ‘When you fight,’ I say, ‘don’t rely too much on your big toe.’ Jon is soaking his big toe in a bucket of salt water.  Short of having to cut his big toe off (Jon looked

We’re lovers. This is how we fight. Read More »

Know and be known

(Christian Week – February 2013)

KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦ There was an old man with a secret.

And there was a police cruiser and fire truck and ambulance, large with red lights in the darkness in front of the man’s house. And my children held my hand and looked up and asked me questions. What could I say?

Know and be known Read More »

My next fatherhood book – ‘Dude! Figure It Out Yourself!’

 I should mention that before one embarks on something as foolish and dangerous as parenthood, you should get some training. One way to do this is to go to your local big-box bookstore, read everything you can get your hands on about being a great parent and then do the exact opposite. This is why my next

My next fatherhood book – ‘Dude! Figure It Out Yourself!’ Read More »

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