Why you should always vote, exasperated or not

She was a neighbour crossing the street and we like to have a conversation with each other here and there and I rolled down the window of the van. “Hey. How ya doin?” I said. “Did you vote?” “No,” she said, with a rather exasperated expression. “No. I can’t be bothered. I can’t be bothered […]

Why you should always vote, exasperated or not Read More »

Courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten

It was the nightly news and she wore a large summer hat and a smile on her face while she sat in a golf cart and talked to the cameras, but there was pain too, we all know that, because her husband was murdered last summer. And while the wheels of justice turn slowly to

Courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten Read More »

It’s a nutty world. Now giddy up, horsey.

It’s a nutty world, nutty when it comes to fear, which is why I just had to look at eight pages of permission forms so my son, Jon, could go on a class trip to a local pool. His Grade 3 class goes once or twice a year. So, eight pages. Five (5!) of my

It’s a nutty world. Now giddy up, horsey. Read More »

Jim Morrison’s grave and the cold, muddy earth

Something from the other side of this blog, from thomasfroese.com, this commentary here, or below, originally published in Christian Week, some thoughts from Paris, from the Père Lachaise Cemetery. It’s one of the world’s most remarkable graveyards, a solemn place that we as a family recently took some time for on our way home from Africa. + Known by our

Jim Morrison’s grave and the cold, muddy earth Read More »

Oh, there’s an election? Sorry, the hockey game is on.

Today our family’s hat is tipped to the rouge blanc et bleu, the Montreal Canadiens for a marvelous playoff run, one that brought plenty of people in this country together in excitement and nostalgic memory also. Our annual spring transition from Africa – and it is a transition – was made all the more enjoyable

Oh, there’s an election? Sorry, the hockey game is on. Read More »

Headline: Airliner filled with mothers vanishes. No, really – where have all the mothers gone?

The country knows when a mother loses one child for a short while during an outrageous hospital abduction. And the entire world knows when an airliner leaves Malaysia and then vanishes mysteriously. But what about when mother upon mother lose their newborns? Or an airliner full of mothers goes down? It happened yesterday. Did you hear? And today.

Headline: Airliner filled with mothers vanishes. No, really – where have all the mothers gone? Read More »

“Dad, can I wear my skates to bed?”

A boy can love many things – pizza, pulling his sister’s hair, climbing trees – but my boy loves few things more than putting on his hockey skates. He’d wear them to bed if allowed and has already asked, wanting to follow, apparently, what Guy Lafleur did as a boy – he wore his skates

“Dad, can I wear my skates to bed?” Read More »

Known by our love ( … or the things we’re against?)

(Christian Week – Friday, May 23, 2014)

PARIS ✦ Dead rock stars aren’t the only idols to worship out there. Houses and cars, retirement portfolios, relationships and sex—or, well, religion—can be equally distracting in a fallen world looking for things as nebulous as truth and meaning.

But come to the Père Lachaise Cemetery and see for yourself the cult of rock-star celebrity. In this gothic and tumbledown resting place of some of the world’s best-known artists—Chopin, Bizet, Proust, Oscar Wilde to name a few—Jim Morrison’s grave is by far the most visited.

Known by our love ( … or the things we’re against?) Read More »

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