Hey Little Jeannie. You’ve got so much love. (And I’m a better man for it.)

The truth is that if it wasn’t for My Bride, I’d be living on some deserted island hunting wild boar and eating coconuts and running around a fire as crazy as the Mad Hatter. But she rescued me from that life some time ago and brought me to Yemen. (YEMEN! of all places.) And now, […]

Hey Little Jeannie. You’ve got so much love. (And I’m a better man for it.) Read More »

The joy of singleness. (Or … Ahhh, the single life. No vomit bag today)

My daughter vomited on the way to school yesterday morning. This, of course, is the sort of thing that makes any parent’s heart go pitter-patter, thump-thump, yes, one of the golden moments of any dad’s day. In our family, on what is a rather onerous school-run every weekday morning, vomiting, in fact, is sort of shared

The joy of singleness. (Or … Ahhh, the single life. No vomit bag today) Read More »

On mini-skirts and Love (is our highest calling)

The newspaper, one of Uganda’s national dailies, is open on my desk. “What are you reading?” asks Liz. “A story about a new law.” I don’t elaborate. The story says Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni may soon meet with U.S. scientists on the matter of homosexuality and its causes. Museveni signed Uganda’s new draconian anti-gay law recently after

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Let’s talk about sex. (And fear and politics and phoney religion too)

“Hey, let’s talk about sex!” I said. I couldn’t help it. It was at the dinner table yesterday evening and Mom wasn’t there and it just sort of tumbled out.  You know, like “Hey, pass the carrots, will ya?” Now, sure, I know my kids are sort of young. But I’ve already had some pretty

Let’s talk about sex. (And fear and politics and phoney religion too) Read More »

Uganda is Gay Ground Zero thanks to fear, politics and misguided religiosity

(The Hamilton Spectator – Saturday, March 15, 2014)

KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦Fear is a strange thing, which is why it’s so hard to look into the eyes of another human being that you’re about to gas or bomb or, in the case of Uganda’s gays, throw to the lions.

This is also why President Yoweri Museveni recently refused to meet with Uganda’s gay community – there were repeated requests – before signing Uganda’s infamous anti-gay law.

The new law means even touching with the intent of a homosexual act – try to prove or disprove this one – will get you seven years. Short of jail, a life-sentence for a single homosexual act, there’s obviously also a new chill on the street here.

Uganda is Gay Ground Zero thanks to fear, politics and misguided religiosity Read More »

Eat. Pray. Drive.

Once there was a dad who, every morning on the way to school, would pray for safety on the road. He was in a foreign country and the driving was the most dangerous part. Sometimes he’d even pray at other times of the day, ‘God, just keep me alive in this place for the sake

Eat. Pray. Drive. Read More »

Love is our highest calling

(Christian Week – March 12, 2014)

KAMPALA, UGANDA ✦ By now you’ve heard plenty about Uganda’s new toughened laws on homosexuality, the news that spread to the West with the fanfare of a dark sporting event.

Even short of jail—terms range from seven years to life—it’s a new day of survival in a horrible state-sanctioned chill.

Several weeks in, like so many things in developing nations, it’s hard to know all that’s happening. Was that murder really a robbery gone bad? And that street beating? Why did she really lose her job? Many things simply don’t make the news here in Uganda.

Love is our highest calling Read More »

Men, this International Women’s Day, WAKE UP!

I’ve always liked older women. When I was in Grade 2, Queen Elizabeth was … well … quite something, up there on the classroom wall at Maple Crest School, looking down at me with that hot outfit and crown and all. Those were fine days. The only woman who could compete with the young queen was

Men, this International Women’s Day, WAKE UP! Read More »

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