humour / satire

Looking for big Olympic hockey game. Have monkeys, beer. Will travel.

Here’s the deal. Africa isn’t really the biggest place on the hockey map. I know you find this hard to imagine. But I’m working on it all. In fact, I see no reason why Uganda can’t have an Olympic hockey team for the 2018 Games, and if you read the Hamilton Spectator (which, if you […]

Looking for big Olympic hockey game. Have monkeys, beer. Will travel. Read More »

The best marital proposal ever

The latest in the ongoing affairs of the heart at my children’s school is that a boy who will remain nameless, one who has the hots for my daughter – and apparently there are several of these boys – asked Liz to be his date at the class Valentine’s Dance. This is being held for the kids at the end of

The best marital proposal ever Read More »

Captain Underpants and three pretty ladies

Me: “Good morning Captain Underpants!” Kid 1: “Morning Dad.” Kiss. ++ Me: “Hey Little Lady!” Kid 2: “Hi Dad.” Neck snuggle. ++ Me: “Good morning Pretty Girl!” Kid 3: “Uhhh.” Kiss (attempt). ++ Me: “Babe, you’re such a better surgeon that I am. Any way you could fix my watch band with some Crazy Glue?”

Captain Underpants and three pretty ladies Read More »

Oh, this snow and ice and crazy cold? Ask Jon.

Every good parent needs to scream at their kids regularly – I recommend five times a kid before lunch – and so I’ve given my son Jon a good tongue-lashing over what he brought on all of Toronto and Hamilton and beyond this last little while. Jon is the member of our family who wished

Oh, this snow and ice and crazy cold? Ask Jon. Read More »

But officer, in my country red actually means ‘Go!’

When you go through a red light and get stopped for it in a foreign country, you should always pretend that in your home country red means ‘Go!’ Then gesture wildly with your hands and speak jibberish in your native language. Unless your native tongue is English and you’re in Uganda, where pretty well everyone,

But officer, in my country red actually means ‘Go!’ Read More »

Hey, let’s shoot Dad!

So, it’s Day 15 of Single Daddin It’ and we’re at the dinner table, that place of ever-illuminating discussion, and Jon blurts out, ‘Hey Dad, if you got shot, would you rather be shot in the mouth or in the eye?’ I looked up from my Kraft Dinner and hotdogs. I mean, really, has it

Hey, let’s shoot Dad! Read More »

Jean rocks Hamilton. So does the Spectator. (The kids? I think they’re in Congo)

It’s somewhere around Day 54,386 of Single Daddin’ It, the highlight of my year when it’s just me and the kids. Is it November still? I think it snowed yesterday. Pretty sure about that. Somewhat sure. Okay maybe it rained. I think Jean called yesterday too. She’s my wife. My Bride. We started dating when you

Jean rocks Hamilton. So does the Spectator. (The kids? I think they’re in Congo) Read More »

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