The Daily Dad Blog

On being loved widely. And deeply. (And, oh yeah, receiving the Order of Canada.)

We’re in the van on a long drive and we’re talking about being loved and just what on earth this ...
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I believe in you. I love you. I am here.

They don’t say it in schools in Ontario anymore, of course, but in the day, they did, we all did, ...
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It’s a privilege to be a (perfect?) father

It was Father's Day Sunday morning and I was speaking to a local gathering about fatherhood and forgiveness. This was ...
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Why are so many young men flaming out? Too much gaming and internet porn.

So Jon wants to watch “The Funny Guy” before bed last night, that is Funny Guy Rick Mercer, and we ...
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Why you should always vote, exasperated or not

She was a neighbour crossing the street and we like to have a conversation with each other here and there ...
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Courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten

It was the nightly news and she wore a large summer hat and a smile on her face while she ...
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It’s a nutty world. Now giddy up, horsey.

It’s a nutty world, nutty when it comes to fear, which is why I just had to look at eight ...
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Jim Morrison’s grave and the cold, muddy earth

(Photo by Thomas Froese Something from the other side of this blog, from, this commentary here, or below, originally published ...
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Oh, there’s an election? Sorry, the hockey game is on.

Today our family’s hat is tipped to the rouge blanc et bleu, the Montreal Canadiens for a marvelous playoff run, ...
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Headline: Airliner filled with mothers vanishes. No, really – where have all the mothers gone?

The country knows when a mother loses one child for a short while during an outrageous hospital abduction. And the entire world ...
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“Dad, can I wear my skates to bed?”

A boy can love many things – pizza, pulling his sister’s hair, climbing trees – but my boy loves few ...
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The joke’s on us. We’re all living to die. In the meantime … the miracles

We had to pee in the bottle the other day, all of us for our annual check-up and vaccinations against ...
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A Canadian boy and his game. (And by the way, I’m going to @#$%^& kill you.)

This is about a boy who loved to play hockey. He played in rinks, sure, when he could, even outdoor ...
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A job that’s not for the faint of heart

Liz: Dad, I have a riddle for you. Okay. Liz: You have to guess what it is. Uhuh. Liz: This ...
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The valley of the shadow of death

The two neighbour boys are 8 and 5 and it looks like their father is about to die. It’s this ...
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