The Daily Dad Blog

Hey, let’s lock the fun out of school!

There was a time when a neighbourhood school was more than a place you simply went for classes and drudgery, ...
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Midnight in Paris

There was Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, of course. We biked through the heart ...
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Dear Mr. Millard – Letter 3 – If you ever want forgiveness, everything you have isn’t enough

Even on this side of Easter, forgiveness is no easy thing. Christ said so much during a beachside breakfast with ...
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Betrayed by a kiss. Saviour of the world.

Judas, giver of history’s best-known kiss, has always had a bad rap. While Judas was a very capable individual – ...
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Dear Mr. Millard – Letter 2 – Have you seen the road to hell?

My relationship with my own father has mellowed much over the years. This is what marriage and children and grandchildren ...
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Dear Mr. Dellen Millard – Letter 1- Let me share something about evil

We don’t give much thought to the devil these days – we’re well beyond all that. The best you might ...
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Why I support a longer school day

It’s dinner time and once again the kids just HAVE to talk about sex, which is quite remarkable considering the ...
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God’s not dead. He’s living inside my son.

She’s an astronaut, a space walker, a scientist of scientists, way up there in the cosmos, first floating free for ...
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Forgiving our fathers. And mothers. (What a load.)

If there is one thing I’ve learned about fatherhood since the condition fell on me (like a piano out of a 4th-floor ...
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Hey Little Jeannie. You’ve got so much love. (And I’m a better man for it.)

The truth is that if it wasn’t for My Bride, I’d be living on some deserted island hunting wild boar ...
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The joy of singleness. (Or … Ahhh, the single life. No vomit bag today)

My daughter vomited on the way to school yesterday morning. This, of course, is the sort of thing that makes ...
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On mini-skirts and Love (is our highest calling)

The newspaper, one of Uganda’s national dailies, is open on my desk. “What are you reading?” asks Liz. “A story ...
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Let’s talk about sex. (And fear and politics and phoney religion too)

“Hey, let’s talk about sex!” I said. I couldn’t help it. It was at the dinner table yesterday evening and ...
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Eat. Pray. Drive.

Once there was a dad who, every morning on the way to school, would pray for safety on the road. ...
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Men, this International Women’s Day, WAKE UP!

I’ve always liked older women. When I was in Grade 2, Queen Elizabeth was … well … quite something, up there ...
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