The Daily Dad Blog

Hannah’s story in Uganda’s national newspaper

Hannah’s adoption continues to make the news, this time in Uganda’s national  daily, the New Vision. Faithful Reader knows all ...
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Without a vision, the people perish

One day long before anything known as social media was dreamed about, I was the newcomer, new to a certain ...
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I’m a gay Ugandan. Now what?

The talk was this afternoon when I was getting my hair cut. It was on the same topic as it was at this morning's ...
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Celebrating hockey GOLD in Africa

The thing about winning Gold in an Olympic event over and over and over and (YAWN) over is that you ...
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Looking for big Olympic hockey game. Have monkeys, beer. Will travel.

Here’s the deal. Africa isn’t really the biggest place on the hockey map. I know you find this hard to ...
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The best first date ever

Speaking of Valentine’s Day and happenings like this Best Marital Proposal Ever, maybe the only other thing to say is this. ...
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The best marital proposal ever

The latest in the ongoing affairs of the heart at my children's school is that a boy who will remain nameless, ...
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Yes, I’m talking to you, Old Cat

My Bride is out of country – in Ghana – for a few days for some Save the Mothers work ...
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If I had a billion dollars

It was Don Cherry on one of his Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Hockey videos, a Christmas gift brought back from ...
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What would Philip Seymour Hoffman say? – Enjoy the ordinary

It’s early morning and I’m out with the dog and he barks and chases a monkey and this is just ...
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In sickness and health, for richer or poorer

Monday afternoon Work. Eat lunch. Salad. From a Kampala restaurant. Seemed okay. At school, sit down for rest on stairs while ...
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Captain Underpants and three pretty ladies

Me: “Good morning Captain Underpants!” Kid 1: “Morning Dad.” Kiss. ++ Me: “Hey Little Lady!” Kid 2: “Hi Dad.” Neck ...
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Anaphylactic horror stories, responsibility, and little Elodie Glover

So the kids’ school, an international school in Kampala, has after-school clubs. They’re very handy to give Mom or Dad ...
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So we’re at the dinner table talking about hell

I don’t know how we get on these enlightening talks at the dinner table, but the other day we – ...
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The hills are alive with the sound of mystery

So over the weekend Hannah and I did a little dance because Hannah wanted to dance in her new birthday ...
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