
On gardening, grace and writing

(The Hamilton Spectator – Saturday, October 8, 2016)

MUKONO, UGANDA ✦ Someone (a writer, naturally) once said that writing is like prayer. Prayer, it seems to me, is like gardening. I’ve struggled with all three.

The small garden behind our African home is testament to this. Many seasons it’s been a disappointing annoyance. Nearby trees steal valuable sunlight and nutrients. I suppose the space should never have been chosen to start.

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Froese, the prodigal

The thing about working with words is that they can get tired and worn and they can lose their meaning. The wordsmiths who handle (and mishandle) them can easily forget this. Yours Truly is no less guilty than any. I was reminded of this this morning when Faithful Spec Reader took the time to tell

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Bringing glory to God in fear and trembling

We work this out in fear and trembling. This is what he said to me. We work it out daily. He said this on the first day we met. He sat there, large, across from me, feet firmly on the ground, voice rich and steady. He told me he rolled out of bed every morning

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On Helen Keller, being blind and doing something

You never know what to say when you’re up there. Your name is called. There’s a presenter, a certain presenter picked just for you, waiting to hand you the honour, the certificate in this case, the paper of recognition that has your name on it. You walk up and you receive it and then, besides a simple

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My son’s underwear are for the supermarket tabloids

Sometimes I’m asked, ‘Hey, Daily Dad, where do you get your incredibly fantastic ideas from?’ I say, ‘Well, the best ideas, the ones that will put me on the front of the supermarket tabloids, find me.’ Take right now. I’m having lunch and the tunes here include Chicago. I mean Chicago, the band, right in

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Liz’s award-winning story

As noted yesterday at https://thomasfroese.com/my-daughter-rocks-in-the-writing-world-and-the-kitchen/ this is Liz’s award-winning story in its entirety. Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day Mr. Carrot was walking to work, anxious to hear his first assignment from his new boss. “It’s my first day of work,” hummed Mr. Carrot. “Almost there,” he whispered to himself, as he took a deep breath. When

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My daughter rocks in the writing world … and the kitchen

Liz just wrote her first award-winning story. It’s called ‘Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day.’ The award was a cookbook given by her Year 5 (that’s Grade 4 in Canada) teacher. And so Liz has been in the kitchen quite a bit these days, with her apron and smile and mango smoothies and other big rockin’ plans

My daughter rocks in the writing world … and the kitchen Read More »

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