The Daily Dad Blog

The funny thing about Jesus … is that he’s so funny

The funny thing about Jesus – and let’s face it, of all the things that Jesus was, he was a ...
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Liz’s award-winning story

As noted yesterday at this is Liz’s award-winning story in its entirety. Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day Mr. Carrot was ...
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My daughter rocks in the writing world … and the kitchen

Liz just wrote her first award-winning story. It’s called 'Mr. Carrot’s Exciting Day.' The award was a cookbook given by ...
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We’re lovers. This is how we fight.

We’re driving to school and Jon is sitting in front. I figure it’s a good time to talk about man ...
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Quality time vomiting with Dad

My Bride and I share the driving duties, that is taking Our Three to school, although I have the good ...
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My next fatherhood book – ‘Dude! Figure It Out Yourself!’

 I should mention that before one embarks on something as foolish and dangerous as parenthood, you should get some training. One way ...
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I love to work at Nothing all day

There is an art to doing Nothing. You can’t really try to do Nothing. The very act of trying means ...
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Ma bird and a promise

The birds have hatched. I saw them during my morning elliptical routine in the music room. At first, the nest ...
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Better to name your kids Ping and Pong

Your child's name, of course, is very important and I’d suggest that Zeus or Apollo are fine choices for any boy, ...
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‘Just watch out for the cat’

In light of numerous thefts from our place in recent weeks, the pressure has been on for us to get ...
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The ugly weight of death

We should never question the truth of what we fail to understand, for the world is filled with wonders. I’ve ...
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‘Excuse me. May I help you?’

Unlike Maple Crest, where I started my school career as a very blonde and very skinny boy, the middle school ...
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‘Daddy, I want to be an artist …’

Speaking about the nature of God, my students will forgive me for inviting you into a recent class. And so ...
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Of course God is not a woman … is She?

We were talking about God – is God a 'He?' is God a 'She?' is God 'Something Else?' – and ...
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Am I a boob, or what?

We’re at the supper table with tacos and raw carrots and mom is not around and Jon looks at Liz ...
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