Recent Columns

A deflating request

Thinking of Hannah, our six-year-old. Like many Ugandans, this girl is built solid. She could probably kick both Liz and Jon’s butt at once if ever really put to the test. I foresee Olympic medals around her neck one day, which isn’t a bad retirement plan for mom and dad. Some of you know that […]
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Dying to give birth

Take a minute, here, friends. Day 6 of Single Daddin’ It is for a new single dad whose wife died Monday, along with her unborn child who wouldn’t come out. Yeah, you read that right — wouldn’t come out. He’s now a single dad of three kids — 5, 3 and 2, and no doubt […]
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Driving free as a bird

Day 5 of Single Daddin’ It did not start well. I am so mad. I have a meeting at the university, so the kids got a ride to school. Was set up ages ago. I sent two friends with them. Plus the driver. Three adults for three kids for a 45 minute drive in a […]
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The gardener

It’s Day 4 of Single Daddin’ It and we’re at the dinner table. Jon shows up with dirty hands. He was working in the garden, he tells me. His garden is not tiny. It has cucumbers and onions and cabbage and beans and more. You should see the tomatoes, he tells me. Jon, in fact, […]
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The end is nigh – isn’t it Daddy?

So, before tonight’s bedroom reading was finished, the kids asked me a pretty easy one, you know that question about the end of the world and when is it coming and will we (they) be around to see all the fireworks. Jon said he wanted to see Jesus come back in all his flaming glory, […]
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Blowing up our playboy cat

Today’s question in my Diary of Single Daddin’ It relates to the cat. He’s Candy. He recently disappeared for six days. Went to his girlfriend’s or whatever. I thought of yet another cat funeral. We’ve had such in the past, with music and eulogies and real tears and all. On Day 2 of Single Daddin’ […]
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Buying some affection

The rabbits are the excitement of Day 3 of Single Daddin’ It. Got them yesterday. I am now the unofficial Best Dad Goin’. The rabbits (bunnies as the kids call them) are Sam and Pretty. Their cage is outside, between the kids’ two forts. Is this like, buying off my kids’ affection in my wife’s […]
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Running on African time

So, this past week, we went to Jinja. Jean and myself and Hannah. We’ve fostered her for over three years and, with court approval, will now adopt. Had a 2:30 pm app’t at court. So we put Hannah’s best dress on her. I even wore a tie. We drove over an hour. Had a pizzeria […]
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Home alone … with the kids

BTW, it’s Day 2 of 14 of Single Daddin’ It while Jean is Canada for the annual STM auction. Tonight it was Ice Age 4 and potato chips with the kids. Don’t want to know what this will all descend to by the end of my allotted time. Advice anyone?
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Where words, mere words, mean trouble

The official charge is ignoring orders of a public official. But the real problem is words. Just words. You know, words can be enough. Too much, even, when they say this and that; when they’re relevant and lacerating; when they’re passed to others and speak more than anyone even realizes; when they speak truth that isn’t just truth to be understood, but that deeper truth that causes a lump in your throat because you know someone has experienced it with some amount of pain.
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About cults and this unforced rhythm of grace

There’s the guilt and fear. There’s the drama and emotion. There’s the conformity and the teaching of “Us versus Them.” Of course, there is also that feeling that you’re not good enough, that you have to somehow work your way into God’s love. These are hallmarks of cults, dangerous but strangely appealing religious groups like […]
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New approach clearly needed to curb out-of-control thefts

A fresher unwittingly gives her laptop to someone posing to be from UCU’s IT department. The computer is never returned. An Honours College resident has her laptop and i-Pad stolen through a broken window. A couple of nights later, a camera and money are lifted from the same residence. A pair of laptops are taken […]
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Back-to-school time — in Uganda

We’re in the air again, my family and me and today’s newspaper. This time it’s the Daily Telegraph, dominated on Page 14 by a large ad for the latest iPad. Beside it, a smaller story on how one in four U.K. teachers wouldn’t send their own kids to the schools they teach in. And below, a brief about a Pediatrics Journal study that shows obese youth don’t think so well.
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New hope not to become a moron

SANTA FE, N.M. I’m in America’s oldest state capital, in Café Olé, with a sandwich and drink and new hope to never become a moron. Here for some postgrad studies, I’m also enjoying a recent copy of America’s satirical news tabloid, The Onion. “Nation’s Morons March on Washington State,” is its banner headline. Thousands of morons, the Onion reports, recently marched in Washington State thinking they were actually in Washington, D.C.
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Changing times demand fresh ideas

Humble creativity will transform our culture for Christ.
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