The cat and his girlfriend – ‘We need our space.’

Jon: Where’s the cat? Me: I don’t know. He’s on one of his long absences. Jon: At his girlfriend’s? Me: Probably Jon: Why doesn’t his girlfriend ever come here? Enough said. +++ The rabbits, meanwhile, have deliverd seven. Liz sold one to her friend at school; another is being taken by a colleague of My […]

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The day we almost lost Jon II (or The bravest boy on this side of the Atlantic)

The other time that we almost lost Jon, (see https://thomasfroese.com/the-day-we-almost-lost-jon/ for the first time), he was running from a girl at school. As fast as possible. (This is not unusual for my son, a young man who tends to be pursued by the girls. https://thomasfroese.com/too-young-to-marry/  and https://thomasfroese.com/jons-pre-marital-woes-continue/ ) But during this partiuclar chase he crashed head-first into

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The day we almost lost Jon

We lose things in our family. Swimming goggles. Socks. Our patience with each other. We’ve almost lost Jon twice. The first time was at our Ugandan university home, which is generally safe except for the snakes and wild monkeys and irritating birds that tend to hang around such institutions of higher learning. ‘So, where is

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You’re sleeping with your phone?

So, apparently 90 per cent of 18-29-year-olds sleep with their smartphones. This, one more reason why having a phone with a low IQ isn’t the worse thing. And one more reason why it’s not a great idea to get a kid a phone. Being active in bed too young has its consequences. One is you go crazy.

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Bubble-wrapped children in rubberized parks

We’re at the park that I built across from our house https://thomasfroese.com/find-the-unexpected-playgrounds-in-your-life/ She approaches me slowly and notices that I’m having a quiet moment. I’m at the picnic table under the canopy, beside the jungle gym, over from the trampoline. It’s a moment of calm that I like to have in the mornings. She has

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My son’s underwear are for the supermarket tabloids

Sometimes I’m asked, ‘Hey, Daily Dad, where do you get your incredibly fantastic ideas from?’ I say, ‘Well, the best ideas, the ones that will put me on the front of the supermarket tabloids, find me.’ Take right now. I’m having lunch and the tunes here include Chicago. I mean Chicago, the band, right in

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In war there is no colour TV

We have no television in our African home, by choice as much as anything. But there are plenty of DVDs on the living room shelves, including The Waltons, something we watch as a matter of routine on Sunday evenings. Liz and Jon are especially eager to find what happens to their namesakes – Elizabeth and

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Find the unexpected playgrounds in your life

It was Sunday morning. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked. Not very conversant in English, he said something that I eventually understood – he was clearing bush to make room to park a car. ‘Oh,’ I said. The space was across from our house here at the university in Uganda. The house itself, built on

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