Humour and Satire

Royal Wedding excerpts, full story

Due to the huge readership (Mom, Dad – God bless both of you) of yesterday’s special Valentines’ post …  …  following are a few excerpts from the noted Royal Wedding news story that announced when My Bride and I were engaged. “To be announced is a July 29 wedding, ending speculation that has swirled around […]
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Royal Weddings are the best

On that particular Valentine’s Day, I bought a dozen red roses and hid them. Each had a question attached (like, ‘Will you play racquetball with me?’), to which, after she found each , she had to yell a loud ‘Yes!’ She, My Bride-To-Be, was doing quite fine, finding one rose in this corner, another under that bed, […]
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How to get a hot wife with one easy song

People sometimes ask me, ‘Hey Daily Dad. How did you get such a hot wife?’ I say, ‘I sang her a song about a cow. She seemed to like that. Nothing has been the same since.’ The story is as follows: My Bride – she was only My Date at the time – invited me […]
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Jon wears 12 shirts … tries for 100

‘Dude,’ I said. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m putting on my shirts,’ he said. ‘I’m going to put on 100.’ This is Jon. 100 shirts. We have 42 seconds to get into the vehicle and drive to school and Jon is on a mission to put on 100 shirts. He stood in his closet, pile […]
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The funny thing about Jesus … is that he’s so funny

The funny thing about Jesus – and let’s face it, of all the things that Jesus was, he was a very capable humourist – is that he could say the things he did with a straight face. It comes to mind because we were just talking about talent, Liz’s writing talent for her authorship of […]
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We’re lovers. This is how we fight.

We’re driving to school and Jon is sitting in front. I figure it’s a good time to talk about man stuff. ‘When you fight,’ I say, ‘don’t rely too much on your big toe.’ Jon is soaking his big toe in a bucket of salt water.  Short of having to cut his big toe off (Jon looked […]
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Quality time vomiting with Dad

My Bride and I share the driving duties, that is taking Our Three to school, although I have the good fortune of having a slightly larger slice of this particular parenting pie. And with all due respect to My Bride, the kids have a far better time with Dad. Take the other day. It was […]
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My next fatherhood book – ‘Dude! Figure It Out Yourself!’

 I should mention that before one embarks on something as foolish and dangerous as parenthood, you should get some training. One way to do this is to go to your local big-box bookstore, read everything you can get your hands on about being a great parent and then do the exact opposite. This is why my next […]
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I love to work at Nothing all day

There is an art to doing Nothing. You can’t really try to do Nothing. The very act of trying means you’ll do a rotten job on it all. This is one of the reasons I love Hannah. Because of all the book characters that she could have been today, she chose Winnie the Pooh, the […]
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Better to name your kids Ping and Pong

Your child’s name, of course, is very important and I’d suggest that Zeus or Apollo are fine choices for any boy, and Jezebel is not a bad option for the girls. If you have twins, you should also consider names that are complementary. Something like Ping and Pong, for example, could work quite well and give […]
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Am I a boob, or what?

We’re at the supper table with tacos and raw carrots and mom is not around and Jon looks at Liz and asks me if it’s possible for her to have a baby. ‘No,’ I said. This was my mistake. I should have just asked for more food or let out a good belch before pushing […]
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Jon’s premarital woes continue

So, they’re still at it, still after my son and asking for his hand in marriage – Agnes and Rainer – the two seven-year-old school girls who are flat out and deep into it, unable to control themselves because Jon, apparently, has everything that it takes. Faithful Reader will recall that the two girls both proposed […]
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What do you mean, ‘intact’?

The photo, which had been shot for our engagement, has been on the wall of one home office or another: first the one in Yemen, and for some  years now, our work space here in Uganda. My Bride and I are on the shore Lake Erie, just outside of St. Thomas where, in another life, I was […]
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Birds, bees … rabbits

Really Dad, the birds and the bees? You told Jon about the birds and the bees? This is what Liz asked me. I had obviously made a mistake only a nine-year-old big sister could know. What? I said. I didn’t plan it. It just happened. Jon and I were sitting in his garden with the […]
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Want a lifeboat? Go to Walmart

Walmart is closing all its stores worldwide except for four “life boat” stores. One is in San Francisco. This is what I dreamed last night, sometime after the thunderstorm. In season, it rains hard here. Thus, I suppose, the lifeboats. I told my kids at the breakfast table. Wal Mart is closing. That’s nice, said […]
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