This Valentine’s Day, fall in love with the One who knows you

(The UCU Standard - Monday, February 3, 2014) MUKONO, UGANDA ✦ It’s soon Valentine’s Day and you’re alone. The flowers are out there and so is the wine, and much more. One would have to be blind and half-dead not to notice. But you’re alone, a rose in the parched dessert, and you don’t know how much longer you can hang on.
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The best marital proposal ever

The latest in the ongoing affairs of the heart at my children’s school is that a boy who will remain nameless, one who has the hots for my daughter – and apparently there are several of these boys – asked Liz to be his date at the class Valentine’s Dance. This is being held for the kids at the end of […]
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Remembrance Day and Cinderella and The Poor Lonely Single Dad

It’s officially Day 1 of being the Poor Lonely Single Dad – Jean is back in Canada for, gulp, 18 days – and we’ve slept in by 45 minutes and The New Young Dog goes without his morning walk but we still manage to scramble and jump in the truck and get on the bumpy dirt road […]
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Why my wife will always be “My Bride”

It apparently came on the back of a friend’s truck down the Ontario highway from Hamilton to London. It was the day My Lovely Bride and I married. The item was an electric piano, the sort that, at that time, wasn’t so small. Even though I was handling most of the details of our wedding reception on that summer day, […]
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Losing yourself and moments of true intimacy

(Christian Week - August 2013) HAMILTON, CANADA ✦ It was a summer Sunday and communion was finished and so was the sermon and they stood, both of them, old and gray and a little stooped. And we all clapped for some time to say 'congratulations' and 'thank you,' too. This, in a Hamilton church, a moment to show that even after 60 years of marriage you can still stand as man and wife and smile at the world, and smile with the sort of lines that show old things like truth all over your face. It's something to think about as marriage hits hard times.
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On anniversaries and a medley of “summer love”

(Hamilton Spectator – Friday, July 26, 2013) Love has always been one of those loaded words, one that means everything and nothing at the same time because we can love the latest Bond movie or country music or summer rain, but this has nothing to do with summer love at, say, a July wedding, or the love that shows on the faces of a couple who have sailed through thick and thin.
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When men leave their wives

We were in a park yesterday and the children were playing with their new kites and the sunshine, and with them were several adults including a 75-year-old man with thin wisps of gray hair and a new girlfriend. I said hello and shook hands and we talked briefly about memories from 30-some years earlier, a time […]
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Royal Wedding excerpts, full story

Due to the huge readership (Mom, Dad – God bless both of you) of yesterday’s special Valentines’ post …  …  following are a few excerpts from the noted Royal Wedding news story that announced when My Bride and I were engaged. “To be announced is a July 29 wedding, ending speculation that has swirled around […]
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Royal Weddings are the best

On that particular Valentine’s Day, I bought a dozen red roses and hid them. Each had a question attached (like, ‘Will you play racquetball with me?’), to which, after she found each , she had to yell a loud ‘Yes!’ She, My Bride-To-Be, was doing quite fine, finding one rose in this corner, another under that bed, […]
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How to get a hot wife with one easy song

People sometimes ask me, ‘Hey Daily Dad. How did you get such a hot wife?’ I say, ‘I sang her a song about a cow. She seemed to like that. Nothing has been the same since.’ The story is as follows: My Bride – she was only My Date at the time – invited me […]
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Jon’s premarital woes continue

So, they’re still at it, still after my son and asking for his hand in marriage – Agnes and Rainer – the two seven-year-old school girls who are flat out and deep into it, unable to control themselves because Jon, apparently, has everything that it takes. Faithful Reader will recall that the two girls both proposed […]
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Too young to marry

Several girls appear to be flat out in love with my son. They’re in his class. He’s 7. Two have proposed. The third has asked him if he’s ever kissed a girl on the lips. This unfolded when Jon was class VIP the other day. He was in front, in his VIP chair, answering questions […]
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The Lord’s house

It’s after the ceremony today and the bride and groom are at my place because they like what we’ve done with the stonework and flowers and all. They’re having photos taken when the groom, a long-time Ugandan journalist friend, asks if I’ll give a speech at the reception. It’s in two hours. When the moment […]
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Camilla Effect one big yawn

Clearly the marriage gods were telling me something. Your marriage is something very noble. Don’t blow it. Because, yes, it also has the potential to burst into flames.
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